Please review our comprehensive payment information below, including our most frequently asked questions: currently accepts payment in 17 currencies and 10+ cryptocurrencies. Payments can be made via bank transfer or via cryptocurrency. We do not accept credit cards or debit cards. We do not accept PayPal. A full list of accepted payments can be found below: accepts the following currencies: accepts the following currencies:
When you have finished placing you order, you will receive an email with an order invoice attached, which contains the bank transfer details for your purchase at the bottom. You must then arrange the transfer to the details provided with your bank. Our bank transfer details can also be found when you log into your account.
Payments via bank transfer can vary depending on where they are originating from, and whether they need to be sent via an intermediary bank. Typically, payments take 2-3 days to process, however this can sometimes be longer.
Once your payment has been received, your order will be updated and marked as 'processing'.
Delivery Orders: When your order is shipped, you will receive an email with the tracking number for your shipment a list of the items included in your shipment. Some shipments are sent in more than one parcel. Once your order has been shipped in full, your order will be updated to 'complete'.
Storage Orders: Storage Orders are updated when allocated, and then your order will be marked as 'complete'. You can view your storage items when you are logged into your account via the account management system, and may select to sell them or request them for delivery at any time.